Piercing Aftercare
*Wash piercing 2-3 times per day with an unscented antibacterial hand soap using q-tips or clean hands. Rinse all soap from the piercing when through.
*Soak piercing in sea salt solution (see below for ingredients) for 5-10 minutes once or more per day. You can use cotton balls but for the most effective use, soak directly in the water.
*Rinse all salt from the piercing following sea salt soaks.
Oral Piercings
*Rinse your mouth no more than 5 times a day with an alcohol-free mouthwash.
*Rinse mouth after snacks and smoking with bottled water.
*Rinsing with both the mouthwash and the sea salt solution will help accelerate the healing process.
*Sucking on ice cubes will help keep the swelling down.
*Avoid spicy or salty foods as well as caffinated and alcoholic beverages for the first week.
*If you have a cheek or lip piercing, make sure to clean both the inside of your mouth and the outside.
Also remember...
*Never ever touch the piercing unless your hands are clean!
*Ibuprofen or motrin can be taken to help reduce swelling.
*With facial piercings, change pillow cases often during healing period and try to sleep elevated.
*Pat piercings dry with a paper towel. Never use a washcloth or a cloth towel.
*Keep make up and harsh facial cleansers away from new piercings.
*Never use hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol or neosporin.
*Do not rotate the jewelry or play with it during the healing period.
Sea Salt Solution
1/4 Teaspoon Sea Salt mixed with 8oz. warm water
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